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Pupil Voice/Pupil Roles

Pupil Voice is highly valued at Lockyer's Middle School and plays a crucial role in driving improvement across the school.  It also provides students with opportunities to grow as leaders and decision makers of the future in order that they are empowered to enter the wider world as active global citizens.

There are many examples where students and staff work in partnership together to make decisions for improvement, or to support each other in order that the school community continues to flourish; Pupil Voice groups, Eco ambassadors, Peer mediators, sports leaders and many more.

Each year our Pupil Voice group consists of two representatives from each tutor group.  Each pupil will have to prepare a short speech to deliver to their tutor group, explaining why they would be an excellent representative for the Pupil Voice group.  After all speeches are delivered, a class vote is held to determine the two representatives from each class.  Members of the Pupil Voice group are responsible for sharing and discussing key issues and ideas with the tutor group and they ensure that every member of the school community has a platform for their voice to be heard.

What did we get up to in 2022/2023?

We discuss issues that our classmates feel need to be brought to the attention of the Senior Management Team and send a delegation of Committee members to discuss them with our SMT.

We canvased our tutor groups about what playground equipment we would like to play with at lunch and break.

Voted within the Pupil Voice Committee to decide what equipment we wanted, sourced it, and asked our Friends of Lockyer's organisation for the funds.

Once the equipment arrived, we decided how it should be shared across the school on different days and came up with sensible usage rules.

We oversee the equipment distribution and organisation for our year group.


Termly, we decide on a charity and plan events to raise money as a school. 

In November, we raised over £750 for Children in Need.