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Homework Support

Year 7 and 8 use Tassomai to support their home learning.

Text-to-speech makes Tassomai more accessible, it also gives pupils more control over their Tassomai experience and lets them choose a format that may better suit their needs. 


How does Text-to-Speech work on Tassomai?

Pupils should go into Account - settings on their app or via the desktop to activate the text-to-speech function. They will then see an icon next to any questions with a 'read aloud' option. They can click once on the question or any of the 4 answers to hear them out loud, then double-click to answer. The individual words will also be highlighted as they are spoken. 


Not all questions have the read-aloud option as some of them, particularly those with diagrams, only work visually, but text-to-speech has been added to as many questions as possible. 


This additional feature will help so many of our pupils, not just those with SEN, so please do share this option with your child.